Terms, Conditions & Policies

Before registering for the Digital Proficiency Course (DPC), applicants are strongly advised to read carefully and understand the Terms, Conditions & Policies. Applicants will be asked to accept the Terms, Conditions & Policies listed below.

By clicking on the ‘OK’ button you are confirming your agreement to be bound by these Terms, Conditions & Policies.

If you click on the ‘CANCEL’ button, it implies that you do not accept the Terms, Conditions & Policies and therefore you will not be able to register for the Digital Proficiency Course.

The Mauritius Digital Promotion Agency (MDPA) reserves the rights to amend the Terms, Conditions & Policies at any time without prior notice. Any changes will be effective immediately upon posting on our website.

Terms & Conditions for Registration & Payment

1. Registration

Registrations for the Digital Proficiency Course (DPC) is made solely through the ‘Online Registration System’.

a) By registering, an applicant affirms that he/she has agreed to the Terms, Conditions & Policies. Applicant also confirms that all information provided is accurate, complete and up-to-date.

b) An application may only be submitted by individuals who are at least 18 years old.  Applicants under 18 years willing to make an application should ask their parents or guardians to make it on their behalf and confirm that they agree to the Terms, Conditions & Policies.

c) Upon successful registration and payment, you will receive a confirmation of your enrollment. It is your responsibility to ensure that you receive the confirmation email.If you have not received your Booking Confirmation after submitting your Application, please contact us. No seat will have been reserved for you until you are sent your Booking Confirmation.

2. Eligibility / Prerequisite

a) Applicant must have completed at least Primary School Achievement Certificate (PSAC) OR Certificate of Primary Education (CPE) to register for the Digital Proficiency Course.

b) Applicant should be able to read and understand basic English.

c) The MDPA reserves the right to refuse or cancel your registration if you do not meet the eligibility requirements.

3. Payment

Payment for DPC training can be done by Cash, Bank Card, Mobile Payment and Bank Transfer.

3.1 Cash Payment

In case of cash payment, applicant:

a) should first pay the course fee at the MDPA Office located at 2nd Floor, Wing A, Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee Tower, Ebène Cybercity.
b) will obtain a Serial Number and Pin Code by the MDPA.
c) Should register online and select ‘Cash Payment’ under the ‘Payment Method section’.
d) Should then input the ‘
Serial Number’ and ‘Pin Code’ and click on the ‘Submit Application button’.

3.2 Bank Card Payment

Payment by Bank Card is done at time of registration on the ‘Online Registration System’

a) Payment can be made either by Credit Card or Debit Card with logo of MasterCard or VISA.
b) On the Registration Form, Applicant should select ‘Bank Card’ under the ‘Payment Method’ section and click on the ‘Submit Application’ button.
) Applicant will be required to input the following Bank Card details:
i. Cardholder name (exactly as shown on card)
ii. Card number
iii. Expiry date (MM/YY)
iv. Security code/CVV (the 3 digits on the right of the verso side of the card)
d) Click on Pay Rs 1,100.00
e) An OTP will be sent to Applicant mobile number.
f) Applicant should input the
OTP to validate the payment.
g) Applicant may also be asked to input his/her
Bank User ID to complete the registration.
h) Payments by credit or debit card are processed immediately via a third party payment processor over a secure link.
i) No card details are held by the MDPA.
j) In all cases the MDPA treats payment as confirmation that you are the person authorised to use such credit card or debit card and that you are over the age of 18 years.
k) Prior to registration, Applicant should ensure that his/her Bank Card is activated for ‘Online Transactions’. If not, Applicant should contact his/her bank.
l) Applicants are informed that the course fee is non-refundable unless explicitly stated otherwise in our refund policy.

3.3 Mobile Payment and Payment by Bank Transfer

Mobile payment (Juice, Blink, Pop, MyT Money….) and payment by Bank transfer can be made as per details below:

Bank Account Name: Mauritius Digital Promotion Agency
Account No.: 61025100005350

Important Note:
1. Insert the exact amount (Rs 1,100)
2. Insert your full name as reference/description when effecting payment
3. Send us a proof of payment (screenshot), your full name and contact details on contact@mdpa.mu and dpc@mdpa.mu
4. Once payment has been received by the MDPA, a Serial Number and Pin Code will be sent to you on your email address
5. On the registration form, select ‘Cash Payment’ under the ‘Payment Method’ section
6. Insert the ‘Serial Number’ and ‘Pin Code’ and click on the ‘Submit Application’ button.

4. Attendance

a) Participants should attend all sessions of the training programme, whether face-to-face or online. If you are unable to attend a session, you must notify the MDPA in advance.

b) No training will be held during public holidays, cyclones and any other unforeseen circumstances and also in the event of any communiqué from the Ministry of Education, Tertiary Education, Science and Technology regarding closure of schools.

5. Course Materials

All materials provided during the training are the sole property of the MDPA and it is strictly forbidden to copy, distribute, disclose or share any course materials to third parties and for commercial use.

6. Rescheduling of a DPC batch by MDPA

The MDPA reserves the rights to cancel, postpone and reschedule a DPC training batch in the event of unforeseen circumstances. In such cases, the MDPA will notify all concerned participants and will provide an alternative arrangement where applicable.

7. Withdrawal by Applicant

a) In case of withdrawal, applicant must officially inform in writing to the MDPA of his/her decision to withdraw from the training by providing a valid justification. The applicant may request the MDPA to assign his/her seat to another person.

b) Applicant has no right to cancel after attending or accessing in full or in part the DPC training and the eLearning platform (Moodle). Applicant will be deemed to have accessed the whole DPC training once he/she has been given access the first module whether online or in person.

8. Refund Policy

a) The course fee will be refunded only if the MDPA is obliged to cancel a training batch under exceptional circumstances/ unforeseen cases. The MDPA will make the refund to the same payment card for online payments. All other refund will normally be made by bank transfer or by bank cheque.

b) In case a participant has paid for the DPC training and is unable to follow the course, he/she may request the MDPA to assign his/her seat to another person.

Privacy Policy

The MDPA is committed to ensure that your personal information shall not be disclosed to any third party.

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