Register for DPC Exam

We are pleased to announce that the first batch of the Digital Proficiency Certificate (DPC) exam has been scheduled for October 2024. The exam will be conducted Online by the University of Mauritius (UoM) in their computer lab.

The exam is of 1-hour duration and consists of 45 multiple choice questions. Each question carries 1 mark. The pass mark is 23 (50%).

Eligibility: Open to all trainees who have completed at least 41 hours of the DPC training.

Trainees who are interested to sit for the DPC Exam should contact the MDPA on 460 2600 for registration.

The exam fee is Rs 1,000 per candidate and should be paid to the MDPA at time of registration.

Registration will be confirmed only after payment has been received by the MDPA.

Key Information:

  • Exam Date: October 2024 (Exact date and time to be confirmed)
  • Venue: University of Mauritius, Computer Lab
  • Certification: Participants who pass the exam will be awarded the Digital Proficiency Certificate by the UoM

We encourage all eligible participants to start their preparations and look forward to welcoming you for the exam.

Currently, there are no DPC exams scheduled.

To stay updated on any upcoming exam schedules, we advise you to regularly check our website for announcements. Alternatively, you can contact us on 460 2600 for further details and assistance.

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